Juvenile Offenders Ordinance 1941 NumberOrd1941-11 StatusRepealed Notes Repealed by Child Welfare Ordinance 1957[1] Ord1957-17 s 3 (2) on 1 March 1958. Search this item Tips Standard search will find words which occur next to each other as a phrase. For more infromation read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Advanced search gives the full range of search options. For more infromation read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3].Advanced search Standard search will find words which occur next to each other as a phrase. For more infromation read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Advanced search gives the full range of search options. For more infromation read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Input type Basic query Exact match search of word or phrase. Exact match search of word or phrase. Boolean query Construct a search query using Boolean operators. For more information read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Construct a search query using Boolean operators. For more information read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Expert query Construct a search query using Perceptive Search query syntax[4]. For more information read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Construct a search query using Perceptive Search query syntax[4]. For more information read Search Tips[2] and Using Search[3]. Keyword (Current version only) Enter search words Enter search words Add a new keyword search entry. Saerch selection type Match exact phrase Contains all of the words Contains any of the words + Add a new query block row for the search. Enter search words Apply stemming Include the variants of words entered in the KEYWORD field. Include the variants of words entered in the KEYWORD field. Clear Search Repealed law Law history Repealed law Ordinance as notified Date notifiedEffectiveFiles/FormatsNotes 4 September 1941 4 September 1941 View online iconPDFDownload iconPDF This ordinance was repealed before 11 May 1989 and did not become an ACT Act Law history Notification statement The Juvenile Offenders Ordinance 1941 was notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 4 September 1941 (Cwlth Gaz 1941 No 179). (Parliamentary Counsel) Commencement ProvisionCommencement dateCommencement method all provisions 4 September 1941 Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910 (Cwlth)[5], s 12 Point-in-time versions Enter a date to find a version from 4 September 1941 onwards: The following table lists 1 point in time versions. You can skip this and jump to the next tab. EffectiveFiles/FormatsVersionPublishedNotes 4 September 1941 View online iconPDFDownload iconPDF As notified 4 September 1941 This ordinance was repealed before 11 May 1989 and did not become an ACT Act