Notification of legislation
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Attorney General (Fees) Determination 2010

Made under
Agents Act 2003, s 176
Associations Incorporation Act 1991, s 125
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1997, s 67
Business Names Act 1963, s 32
Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002, s 222A
Civil Partnerships Act 2008, s 18
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995, s 67
Cooperatives Act 2002, s 465
Court Procedures Act 2004, s 13
Dangerous Substances Act 2004, s 221
Emergencies Act 2004, s 201
Freedom of Information Act 1989, s 80
Guardianship and Management of Property Act 1991, s 75
Hawkers Act 2003, s 45
Instruments Act 1933, s 37
Land Titles Act 1925, s 139
Liquor Act 1975, s 179
Machinery Act 1949, s 5
Partnership Act 1963, s 99
Pawnbrokers Act 1902, s 27
Public Trustee and Guardian Act 1985, s 75
Registration of Deeds Act 1957, s 8
Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977, s 91
Scaffolding and Lifts Act 1912, s 21
Second-hand Dealers Act 1906, s 17
Security Industry Act 2003, s 50
Sex Work Act 1992, s 29
Trade Measurement (Administration) Act 1991, s 12
Work Safety Act 2008, s 228
Workers Compensation Act 1951, s 221


  1. Amended by Attorney General (Fees) Amendment Determination 2010 (No 1) DI2010-141.
  2. Amended by Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2010 A2010-13, s 4 (2) to repeal the fees determined for the Trade Measurement (Administration) Act 1991.
  3. Amended by Attorney General (Fees) Amendment Determination 2010 (No 2) DI2010-262.
  4. Amended by Liquor Act 2010 A2010-35, s 230 (3) to repeal the fees determined for the Liquor Act 1975.
  5. Amended by Attorney General (Fees) Amendment Determination 2011 (No 1) DI2011-62.
  6. Repealed by Attorney General (Fees) Determination 2011 DI2011-115.

Instrument as notified

Date notified Effective Files/Formats Notes
24 June 2010 1 July 2010 - 30 June 2011 HTMLPDFWord

Explanatory statement

Version Published Files/Formats
As presented 24 June 2010 HTMLPDFWord