Legislation Act 2001
- Number
- A2001-14
- Status
- In Force
- Current law
- Regulations & instruments
- Point-in-time versions
- Law history
Current version
- Proposed amendments by Modern Slavery Legislation Amendment Bill 2023.
Effective | Files/Formats | Version | Published | Notes |
27 November 2023 | HTMLPDFWord | R124 | 27 November 2023 | Republication for amendments by A2023-36 |
Administering Minister and Directorate
- Chief Minister - Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
- Attorney-General - Justice and Community Safety Directorate
Legislative instruments
Legislative instruments under the Act and its subordinate laws
Name | Status | Classifier | Type | Under | Effective | Year and No |
Legislation Regulations 2001(Repealed) | Repealed | Subordinate laws | s 121 | 13 September 2001 - 30 June 2003 | SL2001-34 | |
Legislation Regulation 2003 | None | Subordinate laws | s 302 | 11 October 2017 | SL2003-17 | |
Administration (Drugs of Dependence) Delegation 2001(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Disallowable instruments | s 254A | 26 April 2001 - 14 February 2009 | DI2001-82 |
Administration (Mental Health Treatment and Care) Delegation 2000(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Disallowable instruments | s 254A | 21 December 2000 - 14 September 2011 | DI2000-364 |
Administration (Smoke-free Areas Enclosed Public Places) Delegation 2000(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Disallowable instruments | s 254A | 5 October 2000 - 1 December 2006 | DI2000-312 |
Administration (Public Health) Delegation 2000(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Disallowable instruments | s 254A | 7 September 2000 - 19 May 2015 | DI2000-294 |
Administration (Drugs of Dependence) Delegation 2001(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 26 April 2001 - 14 February 2009 | NI2001-77 |
Public Sector Management Standard (Ministerial Delegation Authority to Travel) 2003 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 23 August 2003 | NI2003-344 |
Administration (Public Health) Delegation 2000(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Disallowable instruments | s 254A | 14 January 2000 - 19 May 2015 | DI2000-9 |
Administration (Fire Brigade (Administration)) Delegation 2000(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 12 October 2000 - 1 July 2004 | NI2000-258 |
Legislation Commencement Notice 2001(Repealed) | Repealed | Commencement notices | s 2 | 5 September 2001 - 13 September 2001 | CN2001-24 | |
Administration (Dangerous Goods) Delegation 1996(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 31 October 1996 - 5 April 2004 | NI1996-196 |
Road Transport (Demand Responsive Transport) Delegation 2006 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 3 July 2006 | NI2006-210 |
Road Transport (General) (Remittal of Fees) Delegation 2008 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 13 December 2008 | NI2008-592 |
Legislation (Transplantation and Anatomy) Delegation 2009(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 27 October 2009 - 23 July 2015 | NI2009-542 |
Legislation (Lakes) Delegation 2009 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 28 November 2009 - 1 May 2017 | NI2009-637 |
Legislation (Dangerous Goods Road Transport) Delegation 2010 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 30 March 2010 | NI2010-160 |
Legislation (Transplantation and Anatomy Territory Paired Kidney Exchange) Delegation 2010 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 23 April 2010 | NI2010-191 |
Legislation (Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment) Delegation 2010 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 July 2010 - 1 May 2017 | NI2010-327 |
Legislation (Internet Site) Approval 2010 (No 1) | None | Notifiable instruments | dict pt 1, gazette (b) | 2 September 2010 | NI2010-488 | |
Trespass on Territory Land (Minister's) Delegation 2010 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 26 June 2009 - 28 April 2021 | NI2010-545 |
Legislation (Tobacco) Delegation 2011 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 July 2011 - 11 December 2014 | NI2011-365 |
Legislation (Mental Health Treatment and Care) Delegation 2011 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 15 September 2011 - 1 March 2016 | NI2011-543 |
Legislation (Mental Health Treatment and Care) Delegation 2012(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 14 February 2012 - 1 March 2016 | NI2012-58 |
Legislation (Lakes) Delegation 2012 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 21 August 2012 - 1 May 2017 | NI2012-425 |
Legislation (Water Resources) Delegation 2014 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 19 August 2014 | NI2014-388 |
Legislation (Environment and Planning Directorate) Delegation 2014 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 29 August 2014 - 22 March 2016 | NI2014-431 |
Legislation (Cooperatives) Delegation 2014 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 31 October 2014 - 1 May 2017 | NI2014-558 |
Legislation (Tobacco) Delegation 2014 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 12 December 2014 - 9 July 2015 | NI2014-647 |
Legislation (Planning and Development) Delegation 2015 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 21 January 2015 - 22 November 2023 | NI2015-62 |
Legislation (Planning and Development) Delegation 2015 (No 2)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 14 April 2015 - 11 April 2016 | NI2015-179 |
Legislation (Planning and Development) Delegation 2015 (No 3)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 29 April 2015 - 26 November 2023 | NI2015-180 |
Legislation (Public Health) Delegation 2015 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 20 May 2015 | NI2015-232 |
Legislation (Tobacco) Delegation 2015 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 10 July 2015 | NI2015-374 |
Legislation (Transplantation and Anatomy) Delegation 2015(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 July 2015 - 9 January 2024 | NI2015-427 |
Legislation (Animal Diseases) Delegation 2015 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 6 August 2015 - 1 May 2017 | NI2015-469 |
Legislation (Planning and Development) Delegation 2015 (No 4)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 3 October 2015 - 22 November 2023 | NI2015-583 |
Legislation (Planning and Development) Delegation 2015 (No 5)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 27 November 2015 - 23 November 2023 | NI2015-673 |
Legislation (Mental Health Officers) Delegation 2016 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 March 2016 - 15 November 2023 | NI2016-34 |
Legislation (Mental Health Chief Psychiatrist) Delegation 2016 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 March 2016 | NI2016-35 |
Legislation (Mental Health Care Coordinator) Delegation 2016 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 March 2016 | NI2016-36 |
Legislation (Environment and Planning Directorate) Delegation 2016 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 23 March 2016 - 9 June 2016 | NI2016-146 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation 2016 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 12 April 2016 - 23 October 2019 | NI2016-182 |
Legislation (Planning and Development) Delegation 2016 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 12 April 2016 - 26 November 2023 | NI2016-183 |
Legislation (Environment and Planning Directorate) Delegation 2016 (No 2)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 10 June 2016 - 7 May 2018 | NI2016-289 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation 2016 (No 2)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 23 July 2016 - 23 October 2019 | NI2016-386 |
Legislation (Public Sector Management Standards) Delegation 2017 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 3 March 2017 | NI2017-104 |
Legislation (Public Sector Management Standards) Delegation 2017 (No 2) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 21 March 2017 | NI2017-123 |
Legislation (Public Sector Management Standards) Delegation 2017 (No 3) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 21 March 2017 | NI2017-124 |
Legislation (Public Sector Management Standards) Delegation 2017 (No 4) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 March 2017 | NI2017-132 |
Legislation (Public Sector Management Standards) Delegation 2017 (No 5) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 March 2017 | NI2017-133 |
Legislation (Animal Diseases) Delegation 2017 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 2 May 2017 | NI2017-199 |
Legislation (Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment) Delegation 2017(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 2 May 2017 - 13 April 2023 | NI2017-204 |
Legislation (Lakes) Delegation 2017(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 2 May 2017 - 23 November 2023 | NI2017-205 |
Legislation (Workers Compensation) Delegation 2017 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 19 May 2017 - 30 April 2020 | NI2017-243 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation 2017 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 14 December 2017 - 29 October 2019 | NI2017-674 |
Legislation (Blood Donation Transmittable Diseases) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 27 February 2018 | NI2018-94 |
Legislation (Waste Management and Resource Recovery) Delegation 2018 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 March 2018 | NI2018-159 |
Legislation (Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate) Delegation 2018 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 8 May 2018 - 23 November 2023 | NI2018-216 |
Legislation (Dangerous Substances) Delegation 2018(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 16 June 2018 - 30 June 2020 | NI2018-320 |
Legislation (Victims of Crime) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 2 July 2018 | NI2018-337 |
Legislation (Information Privacy) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 3 July 2018 | NI2018-345 |
Legislation (Housing Targets) Delegation 2018 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 3 July 2018 | NI2018-351 |
Legislation (Emergencies) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 12 July 2018 | NI2018-378 |
Legislation (Plant Diseases) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 27 July 2018 | NI2018-395 |
Legislation (Crimes - Canberra Health Services) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | None | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 16 November 2018 | NI2018-637 | |
Legislation (Districts) Delegation 2019 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 4 September 2019 | NI2019-580 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation Revocation 2019(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 29 October 2019 - 30 October 2019 | NI2019-685 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation 2019(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 October 2019 - 25 August 2021 | NI2019-686 |
Legislation (Workers Compensation) Delegation 2020 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 May 2020 - 10 May 2021 | NI2020-253 |
Legislation (Dangerous Substances) Delegation 2020 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 July 2020 | NI2020-360 |
Legislation (Trespass on Territory Land) Delegation 2021 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 29 April 2021 | NI2021-259 |
Legislation (Workers Compensation) Delegation 2021 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 11 May 2021 - 4 August 2021 | NI2021-266 |
Legislation (Workers Compensation) Delegation 2021 (No 2)(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 5 August 2021 - 16 April 2024 | NI2021-468 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation 2021(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 26 August 2021 - 23 June 2023 | NI2021-508 |
Legislation (Ministerial) Delegation 2021 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 17 December 2021 | NI2021-755 |
Legislation (Ministerial) Delegation 2021 (No 2) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 17 December 2021 | NI2021-756 |
Legislation (Public Health Ministerial) COVID-19 Management Delegation 2022(Repealed) | Repealed | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 30 September 2022 - 24 December 2023 | NI2022-481 |
Legislation (Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment)) Delegation 2023 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 14 April 2023 | NI2023-192 |
Legislation (Nature Conservation) Delegation 2023 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 June 2023 | NI2023-329 |
Legislation (Lakes) Delegation 2023 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 November 2023 | NI2023-715 |
Legislation (Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate) Delegation 2023 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 November 2023 | NI2023-720 |
Legislation (Planning) Delegation 2023 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 23 November 2023 | NI2023-721 |
Legislation (Planning) Delegation 2023 (No 2) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 23 November 2023 | NI2023-723 |
Legislation (Planning) Delegation 2023 (No 3) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 24 November 2023 | NI2023-724 |
Legislation (Planning) Delegation 2023 (No 4) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 28 November 2023 | NI2023-743 |
Legislation (Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction) Delegation 2023 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 8 December 2023 | NI2023-774 |
Legislation (Transplantation and Anatomy) Delegation 2024 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 10 January 2024 | NI2024-15 |
Legislation (Workers Compensation) Delegation 2024 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 17 April 2024 | NI2024-191 |
Legislation (Building) Delegation 2024 | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 1 May 2024 | NI2024-213 |
Legislation (Caring Service Licence) Delegation 2024 (No 1) | None | Delegation | Notifiable instruments | s 254A | 17 May 2024 | NI2024-246 |
Point-in-time versions
Effective | Files/Formats | Version | Published | Notes |
27 November 2023 | HTMLPDFWord | R124 | 27 November 2023 | Republication for amendments by A2023-36 |
30 September 2023 - 26 November 2023 | HTMLPDFWord | R123 | 30 September 2023 | Republication for amendments by A2023-37 |
6 April 2022 - 29 September 2023 | HTMLPDFWord | R122 | 6 April 2022 | Republication for amendments by A2022-4 |
23 June 2021 - 5 April 2022 | HTMLPDFWord | R121 | 23 June 2021 | Republication for amendments by A2021-12 |
26 February 2021 - 22 June 2021 | HTMLPDFWord | R120 | 26 February 2021 | Republication for amendments by A2021-3 |
1 November 2020 - 25 February 2021 | HTMLPDFWord | R119 | 1 November 2020 | Republication for amendments by A2020-4 |
1 June 2020 - 31 October 2020 | HTMLPDFWord | R118 | 1 June 2020 | Republication for amendments by A2020-16 |
30 April 2020 - 31 May 2020 | HTMLPDFWord | R117 | 30 April 2020 | Republication for amendments by A2019-38 |
1 July 2019 - 29 April 2020 | HTMLPDFWord | R116 | 1 July 2019 | Republication for amendments by A2018-52 as amended by A2019-18 |
21 December 2018 - 30 June 2019 | HTMLPDFWord | R115 | 21 December 2018 | Republication for amendments by A2018-32 |
8 November 2018 - 20 December 2018 | HTMLPDFWord | R114 | 8 November 2018 | Republication for amendments by A2018-40 |
26 April 2018 - 7 November 2018 | HTMLPDFWord | R113 | 26 April 2018 | Republication for amendments by A2018-9 |
11 October 2017 - 25 April 2018 | HTMLPDFWord | R112 | 11 October 2017 | Republication for amendments by A2017-28 |
15 August 2017 - 10 October 2017 | HTMLPDFWord | R111 | 15 August 2017 | Republication for amendments by A2017-21 |
1 July 2017 - 14 August 2017 | HTMLPDFWord | R110 | 1 July 2017 | Republication for amendments by A2017-12 |
1 May 2017 - 30 June 2017 | HTMLPDFWord | R109 | 1 May 2017 | Republication for amendments by A2017-8 |
9 March 2017 - 30 April 2017 | HTMLPDFWord | R108 | 9 March 2017 | Republication for amendments by A2017-4 |
1 September 2016 - 8 March 2017 | HTMLPDFWord | R107 | 1 September 2016 | Republication for amendments by A2016-52 |
21 June 2016 - 31 August 2016 | HTMLPDFWord | R106 | 21 June 2016 | Republication for amendments by A2016-33 |
1 April 2016 - 20 June 2016 | HTMLPDFWord | R105 | 1 April 2016 | Republication for amendments by A2016-13 |
9 December 2015 - 31 March 2016 | HTMLPDFWord | R104 | 9 December 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2015-50 |
1 December 2015 - 8 December 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R103 | 1 December 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2015-29 |
14 October 2015 - 30 November 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R102 | 14 October 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2015-33 |
1 July 2015 - 13 October 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R101 | 1 July 2015 | |
11 June 2015 - 30 June 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R100 | 11 June 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2014-59 |
10 June 2015 - 10 June 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R99 | 10 June 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2015-15 |
21 April 2015 - 9 June 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R98 | 21 April 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2015-10 |
19 November 2014 - 20 April 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R97 | 19 November 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2014-44 |
17 November 2014 - 18 November 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R96 | 17 November 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2014-49 |
23 August 2014 - 16 November 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R95 | 23 August 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2014-37 |
1 July 2014 - 22 August 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R94 | 1 July 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2013-41 |
10 June 2014 - 30 June 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R93* | 10 June 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2014-18 |
26 April 2014 - 9 June 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R92 | 26 April 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2014-8 |
10 February 2014 - 25 April 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R91 (RI) | 24 February 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2013-52 Reissued because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 |
25 November 2013 - 9 February 2014 | HTMLPDFWord | R90 (RI) | 24 February 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2013-44 Reissued because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 |
Never effective | HTMLPDFWord | R90 | 25 November 2013 | Republication for amendments by A2013-44 Never effective because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 (see reissued republication) |
8 November 2013 - 24 November 2013 | HTMLPDFWord | R89 (RI) | 24 February 2014 | Republication for amendments by A2013-43 Reissued because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 |
Never effective | HTMLPDFWord | R89 | 8 November 2013 | Republication for amendments by A2013-43 Never effective because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 (see reissued republication) |
7 November 2013 - 7 November 2013 | HTMLPDFWord | R88 (RI) | 24 February 2014 | Reissued because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 |
Never effective | HTMLPDFWord | R88 | 7 November 2013 | Republication for amendments by A2013-39 Never effective because of High Court decision in relation to A2013-39 (see reissued republication) |
1 September 2013 - 6 November 2013 | HTMLPDFWord | R87 | 1 September 2013 | Republication for amendments by A2012-33 |
23 August 2013 - 31 August 2013 | HTMLPDFWord | R86 | 23 August 2013 | Republication for amendments by A2013-30 |
14 June 2013 - 22 August 2013 | HTMLPDFWord | R85 | 14 June 2013 | Republication for amendments by A2013-19 |
11 September 2012 - 13 June 2013 | HTMLPDFWord | R84 | 11 September 2012 | Republication for amendments by A2012-40 |
1 July 2012 - 10 September 2012 | HTMLPDFWord | R83 | 1 July 2012 | |
5 June 2012 - 30 June 2012 | HTMLPDFWord | R82 | 5 June 2012 | Republication for amendments by A2012-21 |
29 May 2012 - 4 June 2012 | HTMLPDFWord | R81 | 29 May 2012 | Republication for amendments by A2012-25 |
1 March 2012 - 28 May 2012 | HTMLPDFWord | R80 | 1 March 2012 | Republication for amendments by A2011-48 |
1 January 2012 - 29 February 2012 | HTMLPDFWord | R79 | 1 January 2012 | Republication for amendments by A2011-55 |
12 December 2011 - 31 December 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R78 | 12 December 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-52 |
23 November 2011 - 11 December 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R77 | 23 November 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-49 |
21 September 2011 - 22 November 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R76 | 21 September 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-28 |
31 August 2011 - 20 September 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R75 | 31 August 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-30 |
1 July 2011 - 30 August 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R74 | 1 July 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-22 |
1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R73 | 1 January 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2010-54 |
6 October 2010 - 31 December 2010 | HTMLPDFWord | R72 | 6 October 2010 | Republication for amendments by A2010-40 |
1 July 2010 - 5 October 2010 | HTMLPDFWord | R71 | 1 July 2010 | |
22 March 2010 - 30 June 2010 | HTMLPDFWord | R70 | 22 March 2010 | Republication for amendments by A2009-39 |
3 March 2010 - 21 March 2010 | HTMLPDFWord | R69 | 3 March 2010 | Republication for amendments by A2010-6 |
17 December 2009 - 2 March 2010 | HTMLPDFWord | R68 | 17 December 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2009-49 |
21 October 2009 - 16 December 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R67 | 21 October 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2009-35 |
1 October 2009 - 20 October 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R66 | 1 October 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2009-28 |
22 September 2009 - 30 September 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R65 | 22 September 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2009-20 |
30 May 2009 - 21 September 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R64 | 30 May 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2008-44 |
27 February 2009 - 29 May 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R63 | 27 February 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2008-20 |
2 February 2009 - 26 February 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R62 | 2 February 2009 | |
9 September 2008 - 1 February 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R61 | 9 September 2008 | Republication for amendments by A2008-20 |
26 August 2008 - 8 September 2008 | HTMLPDFWord | R60 | 26 August 2008 | Republication for amendments by A2008-28 |
1 July 2008 - 25 August 2008 | HTMLPDFWord | R59 | 1 July 2008 | Republication for amendments by A2008-15 |
19 May 2008 - 30 June 2008 | HTMLPDFWord | R58 | 19 May 2008 | Republication for amendments by A2008-14 |
31 March 2008 - 18 May 2008 | HTMLPDFWord | R57 | 31 March 2008 | Republication for amendments by A2007-25 |
14 November 2007 - 30 March 2008 | HTMLPDFWord | R56 | 14 November 2007 | Republication for amendments by A2007-33 |
10 November 2007 - 13 November 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R55 | 10 November 2007 | Republication for amendments by A2007-8 |
11 July 2007 - 9 November 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R54 | 11 July 2007 | Republication for amendments by A2007-16 |
12 April 2007 - 10 July 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R53 | 12 April 2007 | Republication for amendments by A2007-3 |
28 March 2007 - 11 April 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R52 | 28 March 2007 | Republication for amendments by A2006-38 |
12 January 2007 - 27 March 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R51* | 12 January 2007 | Republication for commenced expiry |
10 January 2007 - 11 January 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R50 | 10 January 2007 | Republication for commenced expiry |
9 January 2007 - 9 January 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R49 | 9 January 2007 | Republication for amendments by A2004-39 |
18 November 2006 - 8 January 2007 | HTMLPDFWord | R48 | 18 November 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2006-46 |
16 November 2006 - 17 November 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R47 | 16 November 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2006-42 |
1 November 2006 - 15 November 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R46 | 1 November 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2005-41 and A2005-46 as amended by A2006-3 |
1 July 2006 - 31 October 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R45 | 1 July 2006 | |
16 June 2006 - 30 June 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R44 | 16 June 2006 | Republication for updated endnotes as amended by A2006-27 |
2 June 2006 - 15 June 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R43 | 2 June 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2006-23 |
1 March 2006 - 1 June 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R42 | 1 March 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2005-47 as amended by A2006-3 |
23 February 2006 - 28 February 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R41 | 23 February 2006 | Republication for updated endnotes as amended by A2006-3 |
17 January 2006 - 22 February 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R40 | 17 January 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2004-39 |
11 January 2006 - 16 January 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R39 | 11 January 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2005-62 |
23 November 2005 - 10 January 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R38 | 23 November 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2005-53 |
14 September 2005 - 22 November 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R37 | 14 September 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2005-9 |
8 September 2005 - 13 September 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R36 | 8 September 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2005-44 |
7 July 2005 - 7 September 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R35 | 7 July 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2004-39 as amended by A2005-28 |
2 June 2005 - 6 July 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R34* | 2 June 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2005-20 |
9 March 2005 - 1 June 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R33 | 9 March 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2004-57 |
24 February 2005 - 8 March 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R32 | 24 February 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2005-5 |
10 January 2005 - 23 February 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R31 | 10 January 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2004-60 |
1 January 2005 - 9 January 2005 | HTMLPDFWord | R30 (RI) | 5 January 2005 | Republication for amendments by A2004-17 Reissued for commenced expiry |
23 December 2004 - 31 December 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R29A | 5 January 2005 | Republication for commenced expiry |
13 September 2004 - 22 December 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R29 | 13 September 2004 | Republication for commenced expiry |
1 September 2004 - 12 September 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R28 | 1 September 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-13 |
25 August 2004 - 31 August 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R27 | 25 August 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-42 |
13 July 2004 - 24 August 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R26 | 13 July 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-32 |
1 July 2004 - 12 July 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R25 | 1 July 2004 | |
27 May 2004 - 30 June 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R24 | 27 May 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-10 |
5 April 2004 - 26 May 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R23 | 5 April 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-7 |
22 March 2004 - 4 April 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R22 | 22 March 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-1 |
19 December 2003 - 21 March 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R21 | 19 December 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2003-56 |
9 October 2003 - 18 December 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R20* | 9 October 2003 | |
13 September 2003 - 8 October 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R19 | 13 September 2003 | Republication for commenced expiry |
3 September 2003 - 12 September 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R18 | 3 September 2003 | Republication for commenced expiry |
1 July 2003 - 2 September 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R17 | 1 July 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2002-56 |
29 May 2003 - 30 June 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R16 | 29 May 2003 | Republication for commenced expiry |
10 April 2003 - 28 May 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R15 | 10 April 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2003-18 |
28 March 2003 - 9 April 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R14 | 28 March 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2003-14 |
17 January 2003 - 27 March 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R13 | 17 January 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2002-49 |
1 January 2003 - 16 January 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R12 | 1 January 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2002-51 |
1 November 2002 - 31 December 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R11 | 1 November 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2002-40 |
7 October 2002 - 31 October 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R10 | 7 October 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2002-27 |
17 September 2002 - 6 October 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R9 | 17 September 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2002-30 |
14 September 2002 - 16 September 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R8 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for commenced expiry Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
14 September 2002 - 16 September 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R8 | 14 September 2002 | Republication for commenced expiry Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
13 September 2002 - 13 September 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R7 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for commenced expiry Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
13 September 2002 - 13 September 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R7 | 13 September 2002 | Republication for commenced expiry Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
1 July 2002 - 12 September 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R6 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2001-88 Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
1 July 2002 - 12 September 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R6 | 1 July 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2001-88 Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
28 May 2002 - 30 June 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R5 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2002-11 Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
28 May 2002 - 30 June 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R5* | 28 May 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2002-11 Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
13 March 2002 - 27 May 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R4 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for commenced expiry Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
13 March 2002 - 27 May 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R4 | 13 March 2002 | Republication for commenced expiry Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
21 February 2002 - 12 March 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R3 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for changed endnotes and editorial changes Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
21 February 2002 - 12 March 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R3 | 21 February 2002 | Republication for changed endnotes and editorial changes Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
14 September 2001 - 20 February 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R2 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2001-70 Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
14 September 2001 - 20 February 2002 | HTMLPDFWord | R2 | 14 September 2001 | Republication for amendments by A2001-70 Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
13 September 2001 - 13 September 2001 | HTMLPDFWord | R1 (RI) | 17 September 2002 | Republication for modification by SL2001-34 Reissued for retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
13 September 2001 - 13 September 2001 | HTMLPDFWord | R1 | 13 September 2001 | Republication for modification by SL2001-34 Does not include retrospective amendments by A2002-30 (see reissued republication). |
12 September 2001 - 12 September 2001 | HTMLPDFWord | R0A | 17 September 2002 | Republication for amendments by A2001-44, A2001-56 and retrospective amendments by A2002-30 |
12 September 2001 | HTMLPDFWord | As notified | 5 April 2001 |
Bill and Explanatory statement
The bill and explanatory statement for this Act are accessed from Legislation (Access and Operation) Bill 2000.
Notification statement
The Legislation Act 2001 was notified in the Gazette on 5 April 2001 (Gaz 2001 No 14).
(Parliamentary Counsel)
Act as notified
Date notified | Effective | Files/Formats | Notes |
5 April 2001 | 12 September 2001 | HTMLPDFWord |
Provision | Commencement date | Commencement method |
s 1, s 2 | 5 April 2001 | IA, s 10B |
remainder | 12 September 2001 | s 2 and Gaz 2001 No S65 |
For section-by-section amendment annotations, see the amendment history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.
Year and number | Amending law | Amending provision | Commencement date |
A2019-38 | Work Health and Safety Amendment Act 2019 | sch 1 pt 1.6 | 30 April 2020 |
A2020-4 | Unit Titles Legislation Amendment Act 2020 | pt 8 | 1 November 2020 |
A2018-52 | Integrity Commission Act 2018 | sch 1 pt 1.15 | 1 July 2019 |
A2018-40 | Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (No 2) | pt 7 | 8 November 2018 |
A2018-32 | Veterinary Practice Act 2018 | sch 3 pt 3.10 | 21 December 2018 |
A2018-9 | Courts and Other Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2018 | pt 12 | 26 April 2018 |
A2017-28 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2017 (No 2) | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 11 October 2017 |
A2017-21 | Road Transport Reform (Light Rail) Legislation Amendment Act 2017 | sch 1 pt 1.9 | 15 August 2017 |
A2017-12 | City Renewal Authority and Suburban Land Agency Act 2017 | sch 1 pt 1.3 | 1 July 2017 |
A2017-8 | Co-operatives National Law (ACT) Act 2017 | sch 2 pt 2.4 | 1 May 2017 |
A2017-4 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2017 | sch 2 | 9 March 2017 |
A2016-52 | Public Sector Management Amendment Act 2016 | sch 1 pt 1.45 | 1 September 2016 |
A2016-33 | Emergencies Amendment Act 2016 | sch 1 pt 1.12 | 21 June 2016 |
A2016-13 | Protection of Rights (Services) Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (No 2) | sch 1 pt 1.27 | 1 April 2016 |
A2015-50 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2015 (No 2) | sch 2 | 9 December 2015 |
A2015-33 | Red Tape Reduction Legislation Amendment Act 2015 | sch 1 pt 1.42 | 14 October 2015 |
A2015-29 | Veterinary Surgeons Act 2015 | sch 2 pt 2.8 | 1 December 2015 |
A2015-19 | Planning and Development (University of Canberra and Other Leases) Legislation Amendment Act 2015 | pt 14 | 1 July 2015 |
A2015-15 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2015 | sch 2 | 10 June 2015 |
A2015-10 | Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2015 | pt 11 | 21 April 2015 |
A2014-59 | Nature Conservation Act 2014 | sch 2 pt 2.9 | 11 June 2015 |
A2014-55 | Canberra Institute of Technology Amendment Act 2014 | s 35, s 36 | 1 July 2015 |
A2014-49 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2014 (No 2) | sch 1 pt 1.11 | 17 November 2014 |
A2014-44 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2014 (No 2) | sch 2 | 19 November 2014 |
A2014-37 | Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Act 2014 | s 4 | 23 August 2014 |
A2014-18 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2014 | sch 2 | 10 June 2014 |
A2014-8 | Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Act 2014 | sch 1 pt 1.2 | 26 April 2014 |
A2013-52 | Heavy Vehicle National Law (Consequential Amendments) Act 2013 | pt 3 | 10 February 2014 |
A2013-44 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2013 (No 2) | sch 2 | 25 November 2013 |
A2013-43 | Magistrates Court (Industrial Proceedings) Amendment Act 2013 | sch 1 pt 1.3 | 8 November 2013 |
A2013-41 | Officers of the Assembly Legislation Amendment Act 2013 | sch 1 pt 1.5 | 1 July 2014 |
A2013-39 | Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013 | sch 2 pt 2.17 | 7 November 2013 |
A2013-30 | Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Act 2013 | s 4 | 23 August 2013 |
A2013-19 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2013 | sch 2 | 14 June 2013 |
A2012-40 | Civil Unions Act 2012 | sch 3 pt 3.19 | 11 September 2012 |
A2012-33 | Official Visitor Act 2012 | sch 1 pt 1.5 | 1 September 2013 |
A2012-32 | National Energy Retail Law (Consequential Amendments) Act 2012 | pt 11 | 1 July 2012 |
A2012-26 | Legislative Assembly (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Act 2012 | sch 1 pt 1.6 | 1 July 2012 |
A2012-25 | Commissioner for the Environment Amendment Act 2012 | sch 1 pt 1.2 | 29 May 2012 |
A2012-21 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2012 | sch 2 | 5 June 2012 |
A2011-55 | Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 | sch 1 pt 1.9 | 1 January 2012 |
A2011-52 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2011 (No 3) | sch 2 | 12 December 2011 |
A2011-49 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (No 3) | sch 1 pt 1.5 | 23 November 2011 |
A2011-48 | Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 | sch 1 pt 1.22 | 1 March 2012 |
A2011-30 | Law Officers Act 2011 | sch 1 pt 1.4 | 31 August 2011 |
A2011-28 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2011 (No 2) | sch 2 | 21 September 2011 |
A2011-22 | Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2011 | sch 1 pt 1.91 | 1 July 2011 |
A2010-54 | Fair Trading (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment Act 2010 | sch 3 pt 3.15 | 1 January 2011 |
A2010-40 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2010 (No 3) | sch 1 pt 1.8 | 6 October 2010 |
A2010-10 | Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (ACT) Act 2010 | sch 2 pt 2.13 | 1 July 2010 |
A2010-6 | Surveyors Amendment Act 2010 | sch 1 pt 1.4 | 3 March 2010 |
A2009-50 | Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2009 | s 50 | 1 July 2010 |
A2009-49 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2009 (No 2) | sch 2 | 17 December 2009 |
A2009-39 | Unlawful Gambling Act 2009 | sch 2 pt 2.2 | 22 March 2010 |
A2009-35 | Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Act 2009 | s 4 | 21 October 2009 |
A2009-28 | Work Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2009 | sch 2 pt 2.8 | 1 October 2009 |
A2009-20 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2009 | sch 2 | 22 September 2009 |
A2008-44 | Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2008 | sch 1 pt 1.10 | 30 May 2009 |
A2008-37 | ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Legislation Amendment Act 2008 (No 2) | sch 1 pt 1.66 | 2 February 2009 |
A2008-36 | ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Legislation Amendment Act 2008 | sch 1 pt 1.34 | 2 February 2009 |
A2008-28 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2008 | sch 2 | 26 August 2008 |
A2008-20 | Children and Young People (Consequential Amendments) Act 2008 | sch 2 pt 2.11 | 9 September 2008 |
A2008-20 | Children and Young People (Consequential Amendments) Act 2008 | sch 4 pt 4.18 | 27 February 2009 |
A2008-15 | National Gas (ACT) Act 2008 | sch 2 pt 2.3 | 1 July 2008 |
A2008-14 | Civil Partnerships Act 2008 | sch 1 pt 1.17 | 19 May 2008 |
A2007-33 | Surveyors Act 2007 | sch 1 pt 1.4 | 14 November 2007 |
A2007-16 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2007 (No 2) | sch 2 | 11 July 2007 |
A2007-8 | Housing Assistance Act 2007 | sch 1 pt 1.6 | 10 November 2007 |
A2007-3 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2007 | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 12 April 2007 |
A2006-46 | Health Legislation Amendment Act 2006 (No 2) | sch 2 pt 2.11 | 18 November 2006 |
A2006-42 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2006 | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 16 November 2006 |
A2006-38 | Civil Law (Property) Act 2006 | sch 1 pt 1.6 | 28 March 2007 |
A2006-30 | Administrative (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2006 | sch 1 pt 1.7 | 1 July 2006 |
A2006-25 | Legal Profession Act 2006 | sch 2 pt 2.8 | 1 July 2006 |
A2006-23 | Sentencing Legislation Amendment Act 2006 | sch 1 pt 1.26 | 2 June 2006 |
A2006-22 | Civil Unions Act 2006 | sch 1 pt 1.21 | never commenced |
A2005-62 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2005 (No 2) | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 11 January 2006 |
A2005-53 | Criminal Code (Administration of Justice Offences) Amendment Act 2005 | sch 1 pt 1.18 | 23 November 2005 |
A2005-47 | Public Advocate Act 2005 | sch 1 pt 1.6 | 1 March 2006 |
A2005-46 | Human Rights Commission (Children and Young People Commissioner) Amendment Act 2005 | sch 1 pt 1.1 | 1 November 2006 |
A2005-44 | Public Sector Management Amendment Act 2005 (No 2) | sch 1 pt 1.4 | 8 September 2005 |
A2005-41 | Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Act 2005 | sch 1 pt 1.8 | 1 November 2006 |
A2005-20 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2005 | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 2 June 2005 |
A2005-9 | Optometrists Legislation Amendment Act 2005 | sch 1 pt 1.1 | 14 September 2005 |
A2005-5 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2005 | pt 7 | 24 February 2005 |
A2004-60 | Court Procedures (Consequential Amendments) Act 2004 | sch 1 pt 1.37 | 10 January 2005 |
A2004-57 | Heritage Act 2004 | sch 1 pt 1.8 | 9 March 2005 |
A2004-42 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2004 | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 25 August 2004 |
A2004-39 | Health Professionals Legislation Amendment Act 2004 | sch 5 pt 5.9 | 7 July 2005 |
A2004-39 | Health Professionals Legislation Amendment Act 2004, as amended by:
sch 3 pt 3.1, sch 4 pt 4.3, sch 8 pt 8.2, sch 11A pt 11A.1 | 9 January 2007 |
A2004-39 | Health Professionals Legislation Amendment Act 2004 | sch 6 pt 6.6 | 17 January 2006 |
A2004-32 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2004 (No 2) | pt 13 | 13 July 2004 |
A2004-28 | Emergencies Act 2004 | sch 3 pt 3.12 | 1 July 2004 |
A2004-17 | Education Act 2004 | sch 2 pt 2.5 | 1 January 2005 |
A2004-13 | Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Act 2004 | sch 2 pt 2.20 | 1 September 2004 |
A2004-10 | Nurse Practitioners Legislation Amendment Act 2004 | pt 3 | 27 May 2004 |
A2004-7 | Dangerous Substances Act 2004 | sch 1 pt 1.4 | 5 April 2004 |
A2004-5 | Human Rights Act 2004 | sch 2 pt 2.3 | 1 July 2004 |
A2004-1 | Parentage Act 2004 | sch 1 pt 1.7 | 22 March 2004 |
A2003-56 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2003 (No 2) | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 19 December 2003 |
A2003-41 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2003 | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 9 October 2003 |
A2003-18 | Legislation (Statutory Interpretation) Amendment Act 2003 | s 4 | 10 April 2003 |
A2003-16 | Consumer and Trader Tribunal Act 2003 | s 70 | 9 October 2003 |
A2003-14 | Legislation (Gay, Lesbian and Transgender) Amendment Act 2003 | pt 2 | 28 March 2003 |
A2002-56 | Planning and Land (Consequential Amendments) Act 2002 | pt 3.13 | 1 July 2003 |
A2002-51 | Criminal Code 2002 | pt 1.12 | 1 January 2003 |
A2002-49 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2002 (No 2) | sch 2 pt 2.1 | 17 January 2003 |
A2002-40 | Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 | sch 3 div 3.2.8 | 1 November 2002 |
A2002-30 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2002 | sch 2 pt 2.1 (except amdt 2.3) | 17 September 2002 |
A2002-30 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2002 | amdt 2.3 | taken to have commenced 12 September 2001 |
A2002-27 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2002 | pt 8 | 7 October 2002 |
A2002-11 | Legislation Amendment Act 2002 | ss 3-29, sch 1, sch 2 pt 2.29 | 28 May 2002 |
A2001-88 | Defamation (Criminal Proceedings) Act 2001 | s 43 (2) | 1 July 2002 |
A2001-70 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2001 | amdt 1.8 | 14 September 2001 |
A2001-56 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2001 (No 2) | amdts 2.67, 2.69, 2.78, 2.81 | 12 September 2001 |
A2001-56 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2001 (No 2) | sch 2 pt 2.2 (except amdts 2.67, 2.69, 2.78, 2.81) | 5 September 2001 |
A2001-44 | Legislation (Consequential Amendments) Act 2001 | pt 220 | 12 September 2001 |
A2020-16 | Land Titles (Electronic Conveyancing) Legislation Amendment Act 2020 | sch 1 pt 1.8 | 1 June 2020 |
A2007-25 | Planning and Development (Consequential Amendments) Act 2007 | sch 1 pt 1.22 | 31 March 2008 |
A2021-3 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2021 | pt 11 | 26 February 2021 |
A2021-12 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2021 | sch 2 | 23 June 2021 |
A2022-4 | Legislation (Legislative Assembly Committees) Amendment Act 2022 | sch 1 pt 1.14 | 6 April 2022 |
A2023-36 | Planning (Consequential Amendments) Act 2023 | sch 1 pt 1.44 | 27 November 2023 |
A2023-37 | Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2023 | sch 1 pt 1.10 | 30 September 2023 |
Year and number | Modifying law | Modifying provision | Commencement date | End date |
SL2001-34 | Legislation Regulations 2001 | reg 6 | 13 September 2001 | 13 September 2002 (midnight) |