Notification of legislation
The Legislation Register is currently affected by an ICT incident resulting in new legislation not being able to be notified.
The Legislation Act 2001 provides an alternative method for notifying legislation.
For more information see the Parliamentary Counsel's Office website.
These regulations were converted into ACT regulations on 1 December 1997 when the Act was converted into an ACT Act (see Education Legislation Amendment Act 1997 (Cwlth) s 14)
Notification statement
The University of Canberra Regulations 1993 were notified in the Cwlth Gazette on 22 September 1993 (Cwlth Gaz 1993 No S288).
These regulations were converted into ACT regulations on 1 December 1997 when the Act was converted into an ACT Act (see Education Legislation Amendment Act 1997 (Cwlth) s 14)
Commencement date
Commencement method
all provisions
taken to have commenced 1 January 1990
s 3
Reason for repeal
Repeal date
Ceased to have effect when the regulation-making power in the Act (see Act s 38 (3)) was omitted by A1997-66 (Cwlth) sch 1 amdt 10